Heart Garden Ministries
Heart healing happens here...
At Heart Garden Ministries, our desire is to see hearts fully healed and brought into freedom and restoration. Our goal is to bring each heart before us into full alignment with Jesus' heart (Ezekiel 36:26). We desire to see you walk in your true identity and fulfill your God-given destiny.
Ready to schedule your Encounter Session?
Step #1- Fill out the Contact Form. Once you click "submit" you will have access to the Encounter Form. We suggest printing the form to fill out. However, you may download it in Google Docs and fill it out electronically.
Step #2 - Email your completed Encounter Form to Info@HeartGardenMinistries.org OR mail to/drop it off at HGM
1590 E. Spring St. Cookeville, Tn 38506.
Step #3 - Click on the video below to watch the first 5 Pre-Session videos to prepare for coming for ministry. The 6th video is a teaching to help you walk out your healing after your ministry session.
Step #4 - An HGM Team Member will contact you to schedule your ministry session(s).
Jesus Always Shows up
I was completely lost, broken, and hopeless. I thought I was worthless and that I had done too much bad for God to love me or want to use me. I have now replaced those lies with the truth of God's Word and who He says I am. I am loved and I am free. I need Jesus in every aspect of my life and I cannot do anything apart from Him. All through my life He has been there knocking, I just never opened the door to Him until now. Heart Garden gave me an opportunity to be intimate with Jesus and feel the Holy Spirit, to feel true love, God's love.
I am so thankful to my ministers who poured so much into me. I felt safe, welcomed, and at peace immediately and so I was able to share even the deepest hurts and traumas that I'd never shared with anyone. It felt so good to let everything out and receive the inner healing that I desperately needed. I never felt judged at all, only love and acceptance the entire time. Im so excited to see what the future holds now that I am free from bondage and generational curses!
I was amazed at what Jesus did in my heart during my ministry sessions. My ministers stood with me, patiently, and with the heart of Jesus, ministering to my wounds and took time to connect with me. It truly touched my heart and feel it was a game changer for me. Thank you Jesus for freedom and restoration and thank you for Heart Garden Ministries! This ministry will change you forever!
-Beka W.

Available for purchase on Amazon.com
$14.99 Paperback, $9.99 Kindle, $23.99 Hardback
This book is full of teaching on how the Lord loves to speak to us. We humbly request that everyone seeking ministry from Heart Garden Ministries read Holy Encounters before their scheduled ministry time in order to prepare your heart to encounter Jesus and receive healing.